A biostatistician with 30 years of experience


Shad Journal

I served as editor-in-chief of the Shad Journal (ISSN: 1094-4990) during 1996-1999. The journal was devoted to the study,  protection, and celebration of shad worldwide. Follow the links below to learn about shad species in other parts of the world.

Managing hilsa, a case of mistaken identity

Lessons of a 108-year=old shad fishery

Shad and community culture

A call for an international shad conference

One of Earth's great biological invasions

Elementary school students speak up for American shad

A resource in peril: China's Reeves shad
Current worldwide literature on shad
"Uppie, downie": commercial stake gill netting on the Hudson River
Stock identification, management, and fishing
Shad in Iranian waters
American shad museum opened
Arabian Gulf estuary invaded
The key to fish locks on the river Rhone
Hilsa: Bangladesh's King of Fishes
The Celilo Invasion: It's raining shad on the Columbia River
Identifying unique shad populations on the East Coast
Dr. Zaientz takes the shad's pulse on the Connecticut River
A review of the Pontic shad's biology and fisheries
Italy "steps up" support of Ombrone River shad run
Parker River alewives count in Massachusetts
Shad of the Shatt Al-Arab River in Iraq
The ValleyForge fish story